Cucurbita pepo
30 seeds
Maturity: 55 days
Certified organic seed grown by Pueblo Seed in Cortez, Colorado.
A very old French heirloom from the coast of Provence, Ronde de Nice is a beautiful and unique zucchini that is finally coming stateside. Best harvested small at 3-5”, the adorable round green and grey speckled fruit are mild and tender with a slight nutty flavor. Very fast growing with fruit ready within one week of flowering, harvest often to avoid pithy oversized fruit and do so with care to avoid bruising the delicate skin. A heavy producer, Ronde de Nice can be used like any other zucchini but when left whole for stuffing, is sure to impress.
Open-pollinated zucchini need to be hand pollinated if grown without insects present such as inside a hoop house or greenhouse.